I’m heading over to my parents’ house today. I haven’t been
there in two weeks, and that’s the longest I’ve been away from their house in
When my Dad got sick, I made sure not to miss a week. Many
of us gathered at the house on Sundays anyway, so visits were easy to plan.
Pretty soon, I found myself making a weekday trip as well, just to check in and
see what I could do. Dad often had a task waiting for me – clean out his
electric razor with the little air compressor downstairs, empty the dehumidifier,
show him something on the computer, take out the trash. Often, we just had
lunch or coffee together. I would chat with my Mom about whatever was going on
in the greater family, talk local politics with my Dad, assure myself they were
well and head home.
The sicker Dad got, the more frequent my visits became,
until for the last few months of his life I was there daily.
When he died, I kept up my Sunday visits with Mom. I saw her
once during the week as well, then twice, then three or four times. During the
last week of her life my sisters and I lived there, each of us finding a spot
to sleep; none of us sleeping much at all.
When Mom died, I still went over on Sundays to be with my
But last Sunday, I just needed to stay away. I’ve been
struggling with my loss – it doesn’t get easier right away, you know, it
actually gets harder for a while.
But, this morning I’m heading over again. And, I’m actually
nervous about it. I’ve been so sad this week, that for a while I thought it was
because I missed last Sunday’s visit. But now I think my problem is that I
haven’t been able to wallow in my sadness. I want to crawl under the covers for
three days and do nothing but cry and eat ice cream and potato chips. But I’m a
Mom and a teacher so there is no time for that. Would it make me feel better
When I go to my Mom’s house today, I’ll be cleaning up her
things, sorting through memories. It’s been a blessing to have those memories
stirred, and to have my sisters and brothers there to share them. But it’s also
been exhausting and I come home longing for that blanket and ice cream. I don’t
know how my Mom ever survived the loss of her own parents when she had all of us
demanding attention from her, preventing her from mourning the way she wanted.
I wish she was here to advise me.
I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I was wondering why you had not been there for two weeks. I pray you feel comforted, and that you find time to cry under a blanket with ice cream and potato chips. How special that you were able to spend so much time with your parents before they died. Your last sentence was so sad. I wish she was here for you too.