Tuesday, April 2, 2013

day off

I did not go to school today. It’s a really weird feeling to know that my students were there and I was not. I’m worried. Silly, isn’t it? As if they cannot get through a day without me. Although, sometimes I feel as we they can barely get through a day with me.

Anyway, when my appointment wrapped up way earlier than I expected, I was wishing that I just put in to be late. But how was I to know? And, once a sub is called, I can’t show up. So, I spent the day getting ready for this weekend’s Massachusetts History Day contest (I help coordinate the event), reading an article on making sense of addition and subtraction story problems, searching my internet resources for guidance on helping my ELLs through those story problems, and writing a parent letter. I even had time to meet my husband for lunch.

Here at the end of the day I feel rested and ready for the evening’s running around: soccer practice and play rehearsal back-to-back.

When I mentioned to a friend that I was sorry I hadn’t planned better and just taken an hour off, she said “On your death bed, are you going to remember this day as the day you enjoyed a nice surprise lunch with your husband, or the day you wished you had gone to work?”

Nothing like a good friend to give you perspective.

Happily back to work tomorrow, but happy too that I took today.
See lots of Slices of Life at Two Writing Teachers 


  1. Friends do know how to give perspective, don't they.

  2. I am so glad that she offered that perspective...we always have so many things! xo

  3. I have a friend who did that when I was so upset one morning because I had hit and killed a raccoon while driving to school...and its partner was left alone. So, glad that your friend was there...as they do...to help us see the whole picture. Jackie http://familytrove.blogspot.com/
