Thea is easing her way back to the school year by attending
Marching Band camp for three days this week.
She has to be at school at 8:00am, a time of day she has rarely seen for
the past two months.
It’s got me thinking, what’s better: to practice waking up
and getting going in the morning or to blissfully lag about until the morning
of the first day of school? And I have to think, option two is the better
choice. Really, no matter how much we “prepare” the first week of school is
exhausting, for both teachers and students (and parents). There just are no
true test conditions that can recreate the stressful mornings of stuffing
breakfast in your mouth while searching for the new bus pass. And what can
prepare you for being “on” for six hours after being essentially “off” for six
weeks? Even though we’ve used our brains quite a bit (my girls and I have done
an awful lot of reading and writing this summer, and even visited a museum or two)
it’s different from the intellectual demands of school. Or maybe it’s just the
scheduling of it – you must be cognitively ready during the hours of 8:00 am
and 2:00 pm., not at randomly inspired times.
In the summer we ease ourselves awake with reading, we eat
when we’re hungry, we stop what we’re doing to write down a really good story
idea, we lie down when we’re tired. In school we jump out of bed to get to the
bus stop on time, eat at the scheduled lunchtime, stay on task, and lie down
when we get home.
So, I don’t want to ease into that. I want to enjoy every
slow minute of time before it.
Thea’s starting early but she loves marching band, and there
is lots of time to socialize. But for Anya and I, we’re leaving our days
unplanned and taking things as they come. And, even though I’m doing a ton of
work to get ready for the first day of school next week, I’m doing it on my own
time with iced coffee and reading and writing breaks and the occasional nap.
My end of summer Slice of Life.