Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It’s funny the things that give us comfort.

After a long day at school I came home to my two beautiful girls. We chatted about the day, in this new way I have of talking to these young women who just last week were my baby girls. They started homework and I threw in a load of laundry and hopped on the treadmill. After that, I made a nutritious supper and my dear husband arrived just in time for us all to sit together. As the girls cleaned up, I opened up my laptop to finish up Progress Reports.

The second half of my day was clearly so much better than the first; my family is fantastic. Counting my blessings is a blessing in itself.

Still, the best part of my day came after Greg left for soccer and I tucked the girls in bed and I turned on the iron.

Ironing is not my usual choice for a fun evening, but there was a pile that had to be tended to and neither Greg nor I had any work clothes left. I flipped on the TV and got to work. By the time I quit (notice, I didn’t say finished – still a pile left) I had this overwhelming feeling of love for and connection to my mother. So many times I walked into the room to find her behind the ironing board, watching the little television she kept nearby, taking care of my father’s shirts or our school uniforms. The pile of clothes in need of ironing was endless, as if her Midas touch created wrinkled clothes rather than gold. She would watch Bonanza or The Big Valley and get it done.
When I turned off the iron tonight and saw the row of freshly pressed pants and shirts, I smiled. All I could think was, I am my mother’s daughter. 


  1. I sometimes find comfort in folding laundry. I have never given much thought to it, but sometimes the repetition and the feeling of accomplishment (once it's all away) feels good in the end.

    Ironing, though? There's a pile in our spare room of things to be ironed. There are way too many things in there that just don't seem to make it out of that pile. Embarrassing!

  2. Hi,
    I found your piece incredibly heartwarming. It expressed similar feelings I have about my family of five. Enjoy your two girls; they TRULY do grow up so fast. My oldest two are living away from home and we (my husband, son and I) miss them dearly. It is a special treat when we can all be together. The serenity of your after work description of your family is what we all yearn for after a hard day's work.

  3. What a fun post! My mom loved to iron too. I can remember her sprinkling clothes with a pop bottle (special sprinkling top), and putting them in a plastic bag. Such happy memories! I did not inherit her love of ironing. I'm so happy when a clothing tag reads "no iron" fabric.
